Welcome to Furuhara&Miyamoto Laboratory.

Microstructure represents various kinds of inhomogeneity in the metallic materials, i.e., grains, component phases, lattice defects and chemical inhomogeneity (e.g., impurity/alloying elements). It can be modified through control of phase transformation/precipitation and deformation/recovery/recrystallization by adjusting compositions of materials and processing routes (heat treatment, deformation). Such expertise in micro/nanostructure control is very important in production of current structural metallic materials, such as steels and titanium alloys, from viewpoints of energy saving and recycling. We attempt to apply more advanced control of micro/nanostructures, such as atomic structures of crystalline interfaces, chemistry in an atomic scale (e.g., segregation) and so on. Fundamentals of microstructure formation (thermodynamics, kinetics, crystallography) are examined both theoretically and experimentally to clarify key factors in microstructure control. Another important aspect in our research is the improvement of mechanical property by microstructure manipulation. Possibilities to establish new functions such as superplasticity, shape memory/superelasticity as well as superior mechanical properties (ultrahigh strength with high toughness/ductility) are explored.